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Frontex between Greece and Turkey, at the "Border of Denial"
At the Greek-Turkish border the European Agency for controlling the external borders, Frontex, prevents persons in need of international protection from entering the EU. The latest report of the FRONTEXIT Campaign, "Frontex between Greece and Turkey: The Border of Denial”, underlines the dramatic consequences of the intensification of border surveillance (denying access to the territory, lack of access to the asylum procedure, physical and verbal violence etc.), and also the Agency’s lack [...]
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Particularities of immigrants’ integration in the United Kingdom - a new report of the Migration Policy Institute
The report „Advancing outcomes for all minorities: experiences of mainstreaming immigrant integration policy in the United Kingdom”, prepared by Sundas Ali and Ben Gidley of the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), reviews the unique integration experience of immigrants in the United Kingdom, strongly influenced by its colonial ties with the immigrants' countries of origin.  [...]
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