Nansen Refugee Award 2014 granted to a Columbian organisation | |
Whereas last year UNHCR granted the Nansen Refugee Award to Nun Angelique Namaika, this year's winner is the Columbian organisation Red Mariposas de Alas Nuevas Construyendo Futuro. The organisation fights for the rights of women who were subject to forced displacement and sexual abuse. The award giving ceremony will be held on 29 September in Geneva. [...] |
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630 work permits for foreigners issued by the Immigration Department of the Bucharest Municipality in the first 8 months of 2014 | |
During the first eight months of 2014 policemen within the Immigration Department of the Bucharest Municipality issued work permits for 630 foreign citizens, out of a total of 1486 works permits issued country-wide by the General Inspectorate for Immigration. According to a press release of the institution, most permits were issued for workers from China (133), the Philippines (76), Turkey (61), India (33) and USA (26). [...] | |
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