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The Irish Report on Integration Monitoring - 2013
Ireland has recently published the 2013 annual report on integration monitoring.

The authors of the study - Frances McGinnity, Emma Quinn, Gillian Kingston and Philip O'Connell - have assessed immigrant integration in four key areas: employment, education, social inclusion and active citizenship. The indicators used for the integration fields allow for comparisons between EU member states and are based on the most recent quantitative data from the available polls
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Two draft bills of the French government regarding migration
The French Government has recently revealed their reform plans in the field of asylum and migration, by introducing two draft bills to the Cabinet of Ministers.  

The number of asylum seekers has almost doubled in seven years, reaching more than 66,000 cases in 2013. The accommodation possibilities are already exceeded, half of the asylum seekers being left to find solutions on their own. In addition the asylum procedure lasts for 2 years on average, which makes things even more [...]
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