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“Attitudes to Immigrants in Turbulent Times”, special edition of Migration Studies journal
A special edition of the 2nd Volume of Migration Studies magazine was issued in July this year, called „Attitudes to Immigrants in Turbulent Times”. This issue is dedicated to the progress of anti-immigration trends in Europe and North America in the context of globalisation. The articles selected explore, from different perspectives, the way how interactions between states, citizens, immigrants and interest groups influence inter-ethnic relationships and the occurrence of hostile feelings [...]
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An MPI report on national immigration policies and local demand
A new report, "Giving Cities and Regions a Voice in Immigration Policy: Can National Policies Meet Local Demand?", has recently been published by the Migration Policy Institute (MPI).

Immigration policies are designed and implemented at the national level, even though economic and demographic circumstances may vary widely across cities and regions. The author – Madeleine Sumption - maintains that large and fast-growing metropolitan areas are natural magnets for immigrants, [...]
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