Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration

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Recommended reading: Migrants and refugees - an opportunity for the European job market?
“The entire discussion about how to handle the refugee crisis in Europe is based on the wrong concept. The current mind-set is how to handle a burden, instead of making use of an opportunity. We need to turn the discussion upside down”. This is how the article ‘Let them work!’ starts. The article, published in the website Politico, points out [...]
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Useful reading: The impact of restrictions and entitlements on the integration of family migrants
For a person residing abroad, the reunion with the family members (spouses, partners, children, parents…) might be one of the best news she/he could receive. However, it is possible that this does not work the other way around, due to the difficulties that family members have to experience in the new country. This is aggravated, according to the results of the project IMPACIM, by the lack of specific integration policies, which is creating several disadvantages for the spouses, children and [...]
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