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Annual Conference on European Asylum Law 2016
The Academy of European Law based in Trier (ERA) will organize the Annual Conference on European Asylum Law 2016, in Trier (Germany) 20-21 October 2016.

The aim of the Annual Conference on European Asylum Law 2016 is to provide legal practitioners with an update on the reform of the Common European Asylum System and on the situation on the ground. It will give them the opportunity to exchange with high-level experts on key legal issues brought to the fore by the refugee crisis. [...]
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Interview with Rodica Novac, Conect association: ”There are migrants who were refused at the barber or kicked out from the taxi only on the grounds that they were foreigners”
We discussed with Rodica Novac, the president of Conect association, about the funding of nongovernmental organizations which are working directly with migrants, about the difficult situation of migrants on the labour market and about the public discourse on migration and its negative impact on the everyday lives of foreigners living in Romania. [...]
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