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A resolution on refugee integration was adopted by the European Parliament
Allowing refugees and asylum seekers to work in their host countries not only helps to restore their human dignity, but also reduces strain on public budgets by turning them into taxpayers, says the non-binding resolution social inclusion and integration into the labour market - 2015/2321(INI) -, voted on 5 July 2016 by the European Parliament. The text, drafted by Social Democrat MEP Brando Benifei, notes that procedures for granting asylum and labour market conditions differ markedly across the EU, and that refugees have [...]
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Foreign physicians holding a Blue Card could practice in Romania, according to a draft GEO
Third country physicians holders of the EU Blue Card could practice their profession in Romania, according to a draft Emergency Ordinance (GEO) to amend Law 95/2006, republished, on the health system reform. [...]
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