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Greek Volunteers share UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award 2016
A 2,000 strong volunteer sea rescue team, credited with saving thousands of lives during the 2015 refugee crisis, and a passionate human rights activist who provided a safe haven for thousands of the most vulnerable refugees arriving on Greek shores, are the joint 2016 winners of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)’s Nansen Refugee Award. [...]
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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: International Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference (IIDC 2016)
The Romanian Association of Young Scholars (RAYS) is organizing the second edition of the International Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference (IIDC 2016). The event will take place on the 30th of September and the 1st of October, 2016 at the RIN (****) Grand Hotel Conference Center, on no. 7D Vitan-Barzesti Highway, Bucharest.

The International Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference welcomes contributions on various research topics relevant to contemporary social sciences research. As such, we invite post-doctoral [...]
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