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The Federal Government has adopted the dual citizenship for Germany-born youth of immigrant families
The Federal Council of Germany adopted in last month's plenary session a bill allowing dual citizenship for young immigrants born in Germany.

According to this law, children born in Germany from immigrant parents will no longer have to choose between German citizenship and that of their parents. They will be able to keep both citizenships if they prove they went to school in Germany for at least 6 years, they obtained a vocational qualification or graduated a form of education, [...]
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Diaspora Link, a network of universities to monitor entrepreneurship in migration corridors
The international project Diaspora Link is financed by the European Commission within the framework programme Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation, for the period 2014 - 2018. Diaspora Link is a network of 32 universities and research institutes in the European Union, America, Africa and Australia which will investigate, evaluate and facilitate transnational diaspora entrepreneurship, as an instrument for development and welfare for both origin and destination countries.
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