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Dezbatere on “Diasporas Old and New: Social and Cultural Perspectives” at the School of Sociology of the Romanian Academy
On Thursday 13 November 2014, at 15.30, a debate will be held at the School of Sociology - Academy House, 13 Septembrie St. no. 13, 4th Floor, Meeting Room, on “Diasporas Old and New: Social and Cultural Perspectives”. The event enjoys the participation of national and international researchers and academics. [...]
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The high number of refugees from Syria and Iraq puts pressure on neighbouring countries
The difficult case of refugees from Syria and Iraq was addressed in a hearing of the human rights sub-commission in the European Parliament, in October this year.

More than nine million Syrians were forced to leave their country in the last years, in the context of the expanding Islamic State movement in Syria and Iraq. „No other conflict has seen such a large number of deaths, refugees and displaced persons in such a short period of time”, said Frej Fenniche, UNHCHR representative, [...]
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