Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration

Media  Media

Post Event Press Release The Conference „Rethinking EU Immigration: Legal Developments, Management and Practices”, a Success
The international conference "Rethinking EU immigration: legal developments, management and practices", held in Bucharest between 13 - 14 March 2014, brought together about 100 participants from the academic environment, public institutions and the civil society. The event was organised by the Romanian Association for Health Promotion, in a partnership with SOROS Foundation Romania, being the first conference of this kind within the project Research and Information Centre on Immigrant [...]
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Immigrant Integration Barometer, June 18th, 2013
Romanians have an open attitude towards foreigners who are in their country and they support the measures taken to protect them, according to the Immigrants Integration Barometer made by the Romanian Association for Health Promotion in partnership with the Soros Foundation , in 2013, within the project Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration. [...]
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