Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration

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Workshop interactiv II
The second interactive workshop within the 3rd stage was held in Bucharest at the headquarters of the Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration (CDCDI), organized by the Romanian Association for Health Promotion (ARPS) and the Foundation for an Open Society, in collaboration with the Association for Technology and Internet. [...] Workshop interactiv II
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Workshop I
The first interactive workshop of the 3rd stage was held in Bucharest, at the new office of the Research and Information Centre on Immigrant Integration (CDCDI) in 9 Comăniţa St., District 2.

The workshop was attended by members of the multidisciplinary researcher team of CDCDI, professionals and researchers in Bucharest and Constanţa.
Workshop I
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