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European Commission Report: EU Member States need to act urgently for refugee relocation and resettlement
On 16 March 2016 the European Commission published the first report on the application of the temporary emergency relocation schemes for refugees and the European resettlement scheme.

The temporary emergency relocation scheme was established by two Council Decisions in September 2015 in which Member States committed to relocate 160,000 people from Italy and Greece (and if relevant from other Member States) by September 2017.
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The Centre for Intercultural Research and Communication (CCCI) recruits a volunteer junior researcher
The Centre for Intercultural Research and Communication (Centrul de Cercetare şi Comunicare Interculturală - CCCI) recruits a volunteer junior researcher in Iaşi, graduate of a master's degree or PhD in socio-human sciences, preferably legal sciences, within the project “Developing a network of active organisations in the field of migration (EMINET)”. [...]
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