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ENAR’s Report: Racism plays a key role in migrants’ exclusion and violations of rights in the European Union
Anti-migrant political discourses and exclusionary migration policies are having a disproportionate impact on racialised migrants, according to a new report by the European Network Against Racism, covering 26 EU countries. Migrants are increasingly the targets of racist violence and speech; and face discriminatory policies and attitudes hindering their access to the labour market. [...] ENAR’s Report: Racism plays a key role in migrants’ exclusion and violations of rights in the European Union
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Workshop "Policies for the integration of mobile citizens versus immigrants within the EU"
The Department of International Relations and European Integration from the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration organizes the international workshop “Policies for the integration of mobile citizens versus immigrants within the EU” which will be held on the 29th and 30th of May 2017, in Bucharest, Romania. [...]
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