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The second volume of the Migration Studies journal was published
The second volume of the Migration Studies journal was issued in March 2014 within the Oxford Journals series. The magazine brings together various subjects, from the challenges faced by migration researchers to identity, citizenship, selective migration and other aspects under debate in the EU.  [...]
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Moldavians will no longer need a visa for the Schengen area
Citizens of the Republic of Moldova will be able to travel to the Schengen Area without a visa as of 28 April. According to Mediafax news agency, the president of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, and the Greek Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dimitris Kourkoulas, signed the amendments to the Regulation no. 539/2001, whereby the Republic of Moldova is transferred to the list of countries whose citizens will be able to travel without visas to the Schengen area, for maximum 90 days. [...]
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