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Immigrant integration on the labour market in the United Kingdom
The 2000s saw a significant increase in the foreign-born working-age population in the United Kingdom, in part because of the decision to forgo restrictions on the inflow of workers from the new European Union Member States. Starting in 2004, a large influx of labour was seen from Eastern European countries: Poland, Latvia, and Lithuania. In this context the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) launched in May 2014 the report "Moving Up the Ladder? Labor Market Outcomes in the United Kingdom [...]
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ADO – SAHROM announces the launch of the leaflet "Your rights in Romania. Information on the rights and obligations of aliens in Romania"
The Association for Organisation Development – SAH ROM has recently launched a leaflet with information on the rights and obligations of aliens in Romania. The document, published in Romanian, English, Arabic, Chinese and Turkish, is structured in several chapters: the right to stay, family, mobility, education, employment, health, social rights, obtaining Romanian citizenship and others, presented in a simple, easy to understand manner.  [...]
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