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Sweden allocated about 1.8 billion Euro for integration measures
In December last year the Swedish Parliament voted the economic framework for expenditures and revenue in the 2015 budget. For integration and gender equality 16.8 billion SEK (about 1.8 billion Euro) were allocated, of which 99% is only for integration related measures.   [...]
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A proposal to reform EU asylum policy
The article „Tradable Refugee-admission Quotas: A Policy Proposal to Reform the EU Asylum policy”, written by Hillel Rapoport and published on the Migration Policy Centre (MPG) blog in January this year, refers to the pressure put by the recent refugee flows upon the European asylum institutions and policies. The author, a professor at the Paris School of Economics, University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, highlights both the much criticized weaknesses and inefficiencies and the opportunity given [...]
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