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The Dublin Regulation, analyzed in a new MPI report
The report “Not Adding Up: The Fading Promise of Europe's Dublin System”, published by Susan Fratzke within Migration Policy Institute (MPI), looks at the main criticisms to the Dublin Regulation, with special attention to making the European asylum system more efficient and ensuring unrestricted access to the asylum procedure and international protection.  [...]
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Call for papers for the IMISCOE seminar “Inclusion of immigrants in the cultural policy mainstream”
On 21 September 2015 IMISCOE will organise in Barcelona the seminar "Inclusion of immigrants in the cultural policy mainstream".

The event aims to draw attention upon the marginalization of immigrants' cultural products. It is now much easier for North-Western artists to gain international recognition than for other artists who have to move to one of the Western artistic metropolises, such as New York, Paris or Amsterdam, in order to attract wider interest in their [...]
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