Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration

Media  Media

The second interactive workshop on advocacy priorities in the field of direct services for migrants
Representatives of non-governmental organisations and experts interested in the necessary changes in legislation and institutional practices in Romania regarding migrants will continue the discussions initiated on 25 January on creating a Coalition and the common actions of the latter on the short and medium term. The common advocacy actions will materialise in proposals for amending legislation or institutional practices to ensure that immigrants in Romania are granted access to education, labour, health services or other [...]
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The Advocacy Priorities of Non-Governmental Organisations in the Field of Migration
Participants in the workshop organised on 25 January by the Association for Health Promotion discussed about the perspective of creating a Coalition for the Rights of Migrants and the possible advocacy actions to be developed under the Coalition's umbrella in relation with Romanian authorities. [...]
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