Centru de Documentare şi Cercetare în Domeniul Integrării Imigranţilor Centru de Documentare şi Cercetare în Domeniul Integrării Imigranţilor Centru de Documentare şi Cercetare în Domeniul Integrării Imigranţilor Centru de Documentare şi Cercetare în Domeniul Integrării Imigranţilor

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What should be done to foster multi-ethnic societies? Policy recommendations from FutureLab Europe
FutureLab Europe, a project run by the European Alliance for Democratic Citizenship, is trying to take action for a democratic and sustainable Europe, mainly by engaging young participants in developing their skills as responsible European citizens.

With this purpose, FutureLab has circulated a survey  asking young Europeans what should be done to foster [...]
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Migrants and refugees: an opportunity for the European job market?
“The entire discussion about how to handle the refugee crisis in Europe is based on the wrong concept. The current mind-set is how to handle a burden, instead of making use of an opportunity. We need to turn the discussion upside down”. This is how the article ‘Let them work!’ starts. The article, published in the website Politico, points out [...]
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