Centru de Documentare şi Cercetare în Domeniul Integrării Imigranţilor Centru de Documentare şi Cercetare în Domeniul Integrării Imigranţilor Centru de Documentare şi Cercetare în Domeniul Integrării Imigranţilor Centru de Documentare şi Cercetare în Domeniul Integrării Imigranţilor

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Call for Applications- MiReKoc International Summer School -VI- Forced Migration: Old Phenomenon, New Challenges ,11-21 July, İstanbul
The MiReKoc International Summer School of 2016 will be focusing on the discussions around forced migration and its challenges. The Summer School will consist of ten days of lectures and discussions led by a distinguished international faculty, combined with seminars led by NGO representatives, and a field trip within Istanbul. In this year’s Summer School will blend historical, theoretical discussions along with the case studies of forced migration from around the world, as well as in and from Turkey.
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Two junior fellowships for PhD candidates at the Erasmus School of Law, Netherlands
Erasmus Graduate School of Law (EGSL) of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, announces the second Edition of the ESL Junior Fellowship.

The Junior Fellowship enables PhD candidates from universities outside the Netherlands to visit the Erasmus School of Law for 3 months. During this stay, the Junior Fellows will be able to discuss with senior staff members about their research and interact with other PhD candidates in the framework of EGSL activities.
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