Centru de Documentare şi Cercetare în Domeniul Integrării Imigranţilor Centru de Documentare şi Cercetare în Domeniul Integrării Imigranţilor Centru de Documentare şi Cercetare în Domeniul Integrării Imigranţilor Centru de Documentare şi Cercetare în Domeniul Integrării Imigranţilor

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CALL FOR TRAINERS: ”M-Care - Mobilizing Migrant Communities via Capacity and Access Resource Development”, Brussels, 10-14 November 2016
”M-Care - Mobilizing Migrant Communities via Capacity and Access Resource Development” is a training programme that is jointly organised by the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) and the European African Treatment Advocates Network (EATAN).

The training will take place in Brussels, on 10-14 November 2016.
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Conference: Facing a New "Age of Migration"? Methodological Challenges, Conceptual Questions, Political Entanglements (Bucharest, 1 – 2 September 2016)
ESA Research Network 35 "Sociology of Migration" is holding this week its third mid-term conference in Bucharest, from 1 to 2 September 2016.

The conference Facing a New "Age of Migration"? Methodological Challenges, Conceptual Questions, Political Entanglements is organized in Romania in collaboration with the Research Institute for Quality of Life (Romanian Academy) and the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work (University of Bucharest). [...]
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